Old Time Manchester
Manchester was established in the 1860s and was originally known as Brooklyn, after the borough in New York City. In 1892 the name was changed to Manchester in honor of the city of Manchester, England.
Manchester was accessible by land via Shelton/Allyn/Belfair. A permanent dock was built in 1908, regular steamboat service connected Manchester to nearby communities like Colby, Southworth, and Harper, and to Seattle across the water.
From 1925 to 1936, a ferry route across Puget Sound connected Manchester with Alki Point in West Seattle. When the Alki Point dock washed away in 1936, the Seattle terminus was shifted to Colman Dock on the Seattle central waterfront. Ferry service was discontinued in 1949 and has never resumed.
In 1940, the US Navy built a pier nearby for refueling ships. The fuel pier saw heavy use during World War II and still operates today.
In 1953, the library in Manchester was slated for destruction. The town pulled together and a new library was constructed in 1954.
Colchester Road was not there in the old days
The services available in those days were :
Ron's Food Store owned by Ron and Marge Wilson and then owned by Willard Bryant.
Helen Fleming's Soda Fountain.
Edith Hilstrom's Variety Store which was previously owned by Blackman and Tripp and originally owned by Tripp.
Capital Tavern owned by Norm Block and others.
Manchester Mobil owned by Pop Burbaugh and later by Ellery Howgaard.
Fox Sprinkler owned by Bob Fox.
Todd's Cafe owned by Ernie and Georgine Todd and later by Norma Block then Rennie Adams.
Manchester Inn restaurant owned by Hank.
TV Repair Shop
Fred Ballard Realty owned by Fred and Merab Ballard
Manchester Marina and Boat Rental owned by Oggie Cue and others.
Cherry Stages owned by Lee Barto
Piano Lessons by Fritz Scavanious and wife at the foot of Main Street at the waterfront.
Manchester Realty owned by Kay Ashbridge and Doris Mctaggard and now owned by Bob and Rashmi Ballard
Law Office Attorney Jerry Dolan located on Main Street
Standard Gas Station owned by Gene Pritchard.
Old Manchester Library Librarian Mrs. Cisney and later Mrs. Louise Pedersen.
Manchester Barber Shop owned by Jerry Cunningham.
Dry Cleaning Business located at the present Medical Building.
Store and Cold Storage Lockers at SE corner Spring and Main Street.
US Post office was on Main Street and the Postmasters were Mrs. Randall then Mrs. Bowman
and later Kitty Hovgaard/Cook.